#Create2020 Week 5 "A House Built of Sky" Video

This week’s creation is something I created for my job at The Hermitage. It is a video introduction to the house we will be building this year, and in which June and I will eventually dwell.

I will confess that I want to preface showing this video with all sorts of qualifications to lower expectations. This is my first go at more of a produced video. I pretty much put this thing together in 2 or 3 days. There was a lot of learning/trial and error in the video editing program (Shotcut), and I can easily point to a dozen things that I should improve. All that aside, I had fun working on this and hope to do more, I think it does what it is supposed to do, and I don’t think it distracts from the message. I did all the video, guitar, and most of the pictures. The narrator and author is my colleague Naomi Wenger.