I received from a nephew the book “Zen Camera” by David Ulrich. My hope is it will help me explore more deeply using the camera as a tool of deeper awareness. It is structured as a series of lessons, with practices for each lesson.
It begins with the suggestion that we take a couple hundred pictures (minimum) each week to which I responded - that seems ridiculous, and “I’m not shooting those in RAW.” I guess I already (unjustifiably) find myself being too precious and precise with my picture taking so I’m guessing the pressure to be more promiscuous with my picture taking is worthwhile.
The first lesson also instructs me to take pictures without looking through the viewfinder. Once again, I felt an initial resistance “Why should I shoot worthless pictures” as if the pictures I take looking through the viewfinder are worth much. I did some of that today - and will do more. And yes, some of the pictures are “worthless” but there are also pictures that capture my attention and are ones I would never think to intentionally make.
Here are some of today’s pics - shot in jpeg, with no edits.
Self-portrati #1
Self-portrait #2
Zen Camera
Egg carton
Kitchen counter
House corner