Why Should I Vote?

A letter to my state representative. (I’ll let you know how he replies, if he replies.) 

Greetings Representative Miller,

This past summer my wife and I moved near Three Rivers and into your state district. We have long loved this area and after nearly 20 years in Lansing are glad to call this place home.

After 25 years of living in the US (I am from Canada) I became a citizen in early November. It was an important decision to pursue citizenship, and one I did not, and do not, take lightly.

A representative of the MI Secretary of State’s office was at the citizenship ceremony and I was able to register to vote that same day. Voting is obviously and important privilege, right, and responsibility.

But my question to you is, Why should I vote?

I have lived in Michigan for nearly 20 years and while not able to vote, I do pay close attention to state government. In my time I have seen state representatives redraw district maps in such ways as to disempower voters from the other party which means that even when a majority of the votes are cast for Democratic candidates, a majority of the seats are filled by Republicans.

I have seen state representatives draft voting rules and regulations that make it more difficult to vote.

I have seen state representatives take ballot measures that were supported by the majority of the voter and undermine the will of the electorate by watering down those ballot initiatives so they barely resemble the electorate’s wishes.

I have seen state representatives take steps to remove the powers from elective offices – for the sole reason that someone from the other party was elected to those offices.

Both parties share some blame, but the Michigan Republicans seem to be going overboard with their disregard for the decisions of voters.

So, I ask you, why should I vote? What can you tell me to convince me that my vote will be a participation in true democracy, and not something disregarded by the whim of a party.

Don’t get me wrong, I will vote, but I would love to hear from you why you think I should and how my vote will matter.

Blessings to your and your family this holiday season,

Kevin Driedger

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